Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why my blog is boring

I've realized that my blog entries have become less rich, less detailed and interesting lately; compared to how they were during training in Thies; or my first few months at site. The reason for this, I think, is that I"m used to it all. Riding along in a rickety white minivan, hurtling through potholes and getting out to push this questionable vehicle through the mud, is no longer a noteworthy event. I don't feel thrilled or overwhelmed as I navigate the narrow aisles of the weekly market, walking past ladies selling cheap jewelry or cosmetics; guys with tables loaded down with betteries, pens, and other miscellania; louma pharmacists vending dubious pills of unknown composition. I find myself - loaded down with several kilos of vegetables, beans, or perhaps some dried, salted fish - wandering in search of a beignet seller or a girl with a bowl of frozen bissap juice bags on her head. And this is normal. Passing carts pulled by bony horses, their tales rubbed raw from contact with the wooden boards, no longer shocks me as it used to. Stepping over piles of litter and dark puddles of unknown muck, while wearing flip-flops, is not a frightening activity. Herds of sheep or frolicking families of goats, ownerless cats or dogs, all picking their way through the garbage for a snack, is a daily sight. Even the bright colors have become second-nature to me. Shocking orange and pink print fabric, worn perhaps as a figure-hugging complet, blends in with the many other striking colors and scenery that I see, every day, every week. So, inevitably, I notice these thigns less. They cease to be noteworthy for me, and thus do not get mentioned in this blog, and therefore are not passed on to you all. In my head I know that the USA is not like this, and that even mundane aspects of my life here are meaningful for those who don't live them, but it is hard to remeber what is worth recording anymore. I get excited by flowering sesame plants, for God's sake! Tree saplings make me clap my hands and when I get greasy rice for lunch it is a big deal. I am pleased when it rains enough to fill my buckets so I don't have to pull water from the well. That's what the Peace Corps does to you. I have no perspective on the world anymore. Is this blog even interesting? I find ripening millet to be interesting! But as I said, I am so far gone now that I have forgotten what's worth writing down.


Unknown said...

Bullshit, it's very interesting for me at least - even the mundane stuff. I just don't know what questions to ask or comments to make - just because the conversation may be mostly one way doesn't make it any less worthwhile. :P

Aaron said...

Just to let you know, Google doesn't think your blog is boring. I get Google Alerts every day, key word Senegal. And there, I had a link to your blog. Anyway, hope life is great in Kaolack!

From Dakar...
Aaron Sharghi (RPCV Guinea)

Maman said...

Every word is of interest.It is extra-ordinary and delivered with a writer's pen that few can master.I print off each entry and one day maybe we will have it published. Then you will see just how many lives you have impacted both in Senegal and around the world in cyberspace.I am so proud and so in awe of what you do!With affection

Anonymous said...

Ive found that same thing with handwritten letters, I havent written home in months! I dont know what to write anymore. Even new experiences (I started weighing babies in village, for instance) dont prompt me to write. Partially I'm lazy, partially I'm busy, partially I don't really believe that other life exists, you know? Everything not here must be a figment of my imagination. Even you though? We'll see how I feel at Christmas. Im so excited, by the way! Going to get my ticket in the next few days! Love you African sister!

Anonymous said...

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