Monday, May 26, 2008

Friends Visit

Heather and Adam are visiting me and we're having a great time! I'm trying to make it a quasi-authentic experience in Senegal. I guess I don't really know anything else. We packed into a big white mini-car, threw their bags on top, battled our way into sept-places, broke down on the side of the road once and brushed our teeth with neem sticks while the driver deftly changed a flat tire. We spent a fabulous day in the sand dunes of Loumpoul, a tourist desert where we slept in a low tent held down by sand, wandered the beautiful dunes, and rode a camel. It was awesome. Today we explored the Kaolack market, hitting the "fuggi jaay" (used clothes stands, where all the tee-shirts that could be sold absolutely nowhere in the United States make their final appearance), the rice sac-bag sellers, the jewelry ladies, the bissap and bui vendors, the fabric merchants. We passed by the hall of hanging, smelly meats that breaks probably every health code in the world, and the nearby fragrant spice corner, the vegetable stands, the piles and piles of mangoes for sale everywhere. It's neat to see Senegal through fresh eyes. I appreciate it all the more now that I am showing my friends around. Those in the know say Senegal is "Africa lite", because it is quite developed in comparison to many West African countries. Especially Dakar, land of paved highways, pedesrian overpasses, and streetlights. Hehe, while we were wandering downtown Dakar we were offered a cage full of live finches for sale, and a baobab in a pot, as well as the usual artwork and snacks. Everyone we've met has been extremely friendly and helpful so far, for which I am grateful. Tomorrow we'll head to the weekly louma in Nioro, and from there hop on a horse cart to the village. Real Senegal at last!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Sounds like a blast - I'm jealous!