Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have left the village for good. It happened at 5:30am. I sat on the charette with all my things, moving away into the murky pre-dawn. I had spent the days previous walking around the village, saying goodbye to everyone, and popping inot each compound one more time. It was very calm and easy. People were appreciative; they said all sorts of nice things, thanking me for staying all two years and for the work I did and for being friendly with everyone in the village. For me it was odd to think that I wouldn't be doing that ever again. The whole thing hasn't set in yet, that I'm really and finally leaving. I have read over 150 books. I have attempted many diverse projects. The village is using hte latrines my friends and family gave money to build. My last lunch with the family was okra mafe. For dinner, millet with fish. They appreciated the gifts I brought. And it all ended with left'hand shakes (different from the typical right'hand shake. Using the left hand means you hope to meet again) and watching a horse trot along the dirt road into the dark. Now that it's done, I am having toruble thinking of things to say...this blog has gone way downhill! But leaving was bittersweet. I'll think about it for a long time. I am both ready and nervous to be home.