Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some village photos

Brick-lining a new latrine. All that's left is the seat!

Working the press, to make peanut oil. The resulting peanut grounds are a heavy cake which is nutritious for animals. Plus you get tasty locally-produced oil.

This calf was surprisingly docile; they caught it specially for the picture, but it was sleeping near the market all morning.

A lady sorting peanuts in her courtyard.


Maman said...

The latrines are much wider & deeper than I thought. Will they get a concrete seat like yours? Hope so. Much better than the hole in the ground (a la Jared's).Is that stomach boy with the cow? Never saw the peanut oil maker.They work so hard. Just like you.

Solim said...

Another way Senegal is more developed than Togo... we get our peanut oil by massaging it out of the paste... it takes quite a while... that loooks a lot easier!

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