Sunday, October 12, 2008

CNN Heroes

Here's a bit of exciting news! Viola Vaughn, the lady who runs the NGO "10,000 Girls" has been nominated as one of the top 10 Heroes by CNN. This is a HUGE deal, because now there will be a bigger feature on her and the program. If you forgot, 10,000 Girls is the program that hosted the girls' English/democracy camp. They're the organization I'm helping to start the Bookmobile. In my friend Kate's village, her girls' group started a huge bissap and cashew cultivation project, that will be linked to 10,000 Filles product transformation project in Kaolack, which will produce teas and other goods for export. Also, Mme. Viola runs an excellent program in the city of Kaolack that caters solely to girls who have been struggling in school, as well as a successful entrepeneurship program. In short, she's an amazing lady who has done an enormous amount of good throughout this region of Senegal. And now, there is a chance to help her out for free! You can vote for her on Thanksgiving, I believe, is the final announcement of the winning Hero for 2008. So if you think she deserves it (and I sure do!) check out her work and VOTE for Viola Vaughn!

Here's the address:


Unknown said...

Don't get too excited, they're shoving it onto a Thanksgiving day broadcast to compete with the yearly Cowboys game, so it's not like it'll exactly be a ratings bonanza but it's better than nothing

Melinda said...

I voted :)

Unknown said...

Speaking of voting, Abigail, have you by chance had a chance to vote from abroad? Do you even get a chance to be up on the politics of the US when you're over there?