Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Some photos for your enjoyment! Comments below each one.

Sometimes, you have to bail the boat so you don't sink in the mangroves.

Baby goats are the devil's children - they get through any fence and eat all your crops! If only they weren't so adorable.

This stuff is known to you as birdseed; to me it is dinner.

My host sister cutting millet in the field.

I snapped this picture of my neighbor as we went to the fields.

This is a whole lot of sweet potato, and some bissap, and a cashew tree and basil in a neighbor's garden.


Unknown said...

the baby goats are so cute! Although i imagine they are like ponies, very cute and very aware of it, and therefore evil

Mack said...

I love checking in on you blog posts Abigail. The pictures are wonderful. I am wondering how you eat the birdseed? Do you cook it some way, or is it just eaten seed by seed as a snack? I am so excited for your mom's visit as I bet you are also. . . all the best

Anonymous said...

Abigail, what wonderful technology that allows us to share (very long distance, physically speaking) your experience in Senegal. Love your pictures and the color....I am so happy your mom is going to visit you....will be a time you will always remember with a smile. Much love to you dear Abigail, Martha in México